Breast Augmentation Orlando

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Breast augmentation is a personal decision that can change your self-esteem, your confidence, and your life. If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts, then breast augmentation surgery may be just what you’re looking for.

When performed by a skilled surgeon with a keen artistic eye, breast augmentation is not simply a matter of making a woman’s breasts “bigger.” The goal of breast augmentation plastic surgery should always be to restore balance and proportion to a woman’s figure, helping her to feel more attractive, confident, and comfortable with her body.

It takes a special talent to accomplish the delicate task of enhancing and complementing the beauty that was already there, with completely natural-looking results.

Breast Augmentation Benefits

By increasing the breasts’ fullness and projection, they will appear more voluptuous. This makes breast augmentation surgery a great option to make your breasts more proportionate with the rest of your body. When your figure is more balanced, your self-esteem will undoubtedly increase.

Reasons for Undergoing Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also called an augmentation mammoplasty, uses breast implants to fulfill your wish for fuller breasts. This surgery can also restore breast volume that you may have lost after bearing children or losing weight.

If you were injured or had to have a mastectomy because of cancer or other misfortune, a breast enhancement can restore your confidence with reconstructed breasts.

Good Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an incredibly individualized surgery. If you are considering this procedure, you should do it only for yourself and not to please someone else. You should also have realistic expectations.

Keep in mind that pregnancy, weight loss, and menopause may influence the appearance of your altered breasts throughout your lifetime.

Breast Augmentation Results Orlando
Breast Enhancement Before and After Photos

What Breast Augmentation Cannot Do

Breast augmentation cannot correct severely sagging or drooping breasts. If sagging is your main concern, you should consider a breast lift. This procedure works by removing excess skin and tissue, lifting the breast, and repositioning your nipple.

A breast augmentation only changes the size and shape of your breast. Oftentimes, however, these two procedures are completed together. Depending on your body and your needs, the procedures may be done in the same operation, or take different operations.

The best decision I’ve ever made!

“I have had the most amazing experience with Dr. Joseph and the park avenue plastic surgery girls! I was so nervous going into this, and the past few months have been so easy and stress free! Thank you guys for helping me and making my breast augmentation the best decision I’ve ever made!!”

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The Procedure

Your breast surgeon will make a discreet incision in the crease where the breast meets the chest, around the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple), or in the armpit, inserting the breast implant below or above the muscle.

Your breast tissue will be cut and raised, and the implant will be placed underneath. The implant can go either directly under your breasts, behind the pectoral muscle, or in a dual plane, in which the implant is partially behind the muscle and partially behind the breast tissue.

Dr. Joseph will discuss these various options with you and tailor the operation to meet your needs.

After Surgery

Once your breast augmentation procedure is complete and you’re cleared by Dr. Joseph, you’ll be released into the care of a close friend or family member. They will need to drive you home and look after you for 24-48 hours.

Bandages will be placed over any incisions, which may also have small drainage tubes for any excess fluids. These will be removed at a predetermined time by Dr. Joseph. Additionally, you’ll be asked to wear a surgical bra, a specially designed sports bra that helps the breasts adhere to their new shape and size.

Most patients report some swelling or soreness after cosmetic surgery. If necessary, you may use ice packs until any discomfort subsides. The majority of breast augmentation recipients can return to work after about a week, although those with more physically demanding jobs should wait until otherwise directed by Dr. Joseph.

Dr. Joseph Best Plastic Surgeon Orlando

Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation ProcedureBreast implants are now available in saline or silicone gel for breast augmentation. Orlando Breast Surgeon Dr. Joseph uses a variety of breast implants using different sized and shaped implants. Dr. Joseph will discuss the differences between the two implants, address any safety concerns, and help guide you in selecting the best implant for you.

Since breast augmentation surgery is as much of an art as it is a science, Dr. Joseph will discuss the various options and types of implants with you and help create the look you are trying to achieve.

The implants used are entirely safe, pose no supported health threat, and have no effect on a woman’s future ability to breastfeed. From beginning to end, breast augmentation is currently one of the safest surgical procedures you can undergo.

Breast Implant Exchange / Removal

Breast Implants OrlandoFor symptomatic or medical reasons, you may wish to have your breast implants exchanged or removed. When embarking on breast augmentation, it is important to realize that at some later point in time, you should anticipate a second operation, either to replace the old implants (usually after 10-15 years) or to perform age-related modifications, such as a breast lift.

You may decide whether you wish to change the size of your implants or the type of implants you have. Some patients may experience capsular contracture (or tightening of natural scar tissue around the implant) that can cause breast firmness.

Breast Implant Risks

Contracture occurrence is unpredictable and, when severe, may require corrective surgery. For some patients, exchanging saline implants for silicone implants can help.

In very rare instances, cancer can develop in the surrounding breast tissue. This is called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

Breast Implant Removal With Breast Lift

Should you be considering removing your breast implants entirely, we invite you to schedule a consultation appointment with us. During the consultation, Dr. Joseph will discuss everything you need to learn about breast implant removal to achieve optimal results. He will also recommend that you consider a breast lift if necessary, in conjunction with the removal.

At our practice, we take a thoughtful approach to the question of breast implant exchange or removal, evaluating each patient’s individual concerns and goals, and developing a customized surgery plan to achieve the look you desire.

Be sure to view breast augmentation before and after photos to see examples of patient results. In addition, breast lift surgery, breast reduction, and male breast reduction are performed by our Orlando breast surgery professional.

Breast Augmentation Cost

The cost of breast augmentation varies because it is a highly individualized surgery tailored for each patient. The overall price may include anesthesia, operating room facilities, new breast implants, and other related expenses. Additional tests and imaging may also add to your total. Contact us for additional information.

Why Choose Dr. Joseph?

At Park Avenue Plastic Surgery, we have mastered the art of breast augmentation with extensive training in the latest breast implant options and techniques. Our Orlando breast augmentation plastic surgeon, Dr. Joseph has performed many breast augmentation procedures, consistently meeting and exceeding the expectations of his patients.

He understands that no two women are exactly alike, and, therefore, each breast augmentation procedure must be customized to suit the needs, goals, and body type of each individual patient.

Choosing Dr. Joseph for your breast augmentation surgery means entrusting your care to one of the most skilled and compassionate board-certified plastic surgeons in the field. He prioritizes not only the aesthetics of breast enhancement but also the health and overall well-being of his patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts through the use of implants.
Choosing the right implant involves a breast augmentation consultation where Dr. Joseph will discuss breast implant options, including size, material, and shape, tailored to your body's proportions and aesthetic goals.
Breast augmentation recovery generally involves an initial recovery period of one week. Strenuous activities are not allowed during the initial recovery period to ensure a smooth healing process with minimal scars. Full results can be experienced in 3 to 4 months. Dr. Joseph's team will provide special care instructions to help patients get the best procedure outcome.
While breast augmentation is generally safe, potential risks include infection, implant leakage or rupture, and changes in nipple or breast sensation. Dr. Joseph prioritizes patient education on all breast augmentation risks and how they are mitigated.
Breast implants can last many years but may require replacement or removal due to various factors. In general, breast implants need replacement every 10 years. Regular follow-up consultations are necessary to check for capsular contracture or any other breast implant complication.
Scarring is minimized through strategic incision placement and advanced surgical techniques, making them less noticeable over time.
Yes, it's common to combine breast augmentation with other procedures like a breast lift for enhanced results. Dr. Joseph will advise on what’s best for your goals.
Expect to see fuller, more symmetrical breasts that complement your body’s proportions, enhancing your overall silhouette.
Preparation involves following Dr. Joseph’s guidance on diet, medication, and lifestyle adjustments to ensure the best surgical outcome. Most patients are recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Medications like blood thinners, NSAIDs, or herbal supplements should also be on pause a week before the procedure.

Contact Our Office

Further information is available on breast augmentation when visiting Winter Park or Orlando, Florida. Contact us and schedule a consultation with Dr. Joseph. He will be available to listen to your appearance goals and discuss the best surgical plan that matches the look you’ve always wanted.

His friendly and well-trained staff can also help you experience a comfortable and smooth procedure. Get ready for a beautiful new you.


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